I’m Lynne McDougall

Life Coach and Holistic Therapy Specialist

Offering assitance during your own healing journey

LIGAT Programme


Let it Go and Thrive (LIGAT) Life Coaching Programme is where you will find tips on how to leave the past firmly in the past and establish a new focus which will enable you to be happier and more fulfilled.

I Am NOT A Dirty Bitch

I am NOT a dirty bitch is an autobiography and self-help book which aims to empower other victims of historical sex abuse to embark upon their own journey of discovery.

There are 6 Pillars that form the LIGAT programme

Connecting to the Higher Source

Letting go of the Past

Acts of Gratitude

Learning to Forgive

Discovering Creativity

Learning to Love Yourself

What makes the LIGAT Programme unique?

I consider myself to be a very grounded and caring individual because of the trauma I have suffered in the past. During my healing journey I didn’t have anyone to turn to for guidance or support. My healing from the past was achieved by working on myself through a variety of healing therapies, which I offer through the LIGAT PROGRAMME. The therapies are all centred on both physical and emotional health.

The LIGAT Programme involves a collection of healing therapies to assist you in leading a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Working with the inner child is also woven into the Fabric of the LIGAT programme.

These range of therapies can include: Daily Affirmations, Law of Attraction, Energy Medicine and Frequencies, Mindfulness, Emotional Freedom Tapping, and a variety of hands on holistic therapies as seen below. The list is not conclusive and other tools will be used, which reflect your individuality.

I am NOT a Dirty Bitch

Having survived a challenging childhood and experienced Burn Out in February 2013, I can empathise with your challenges along with empowering you to discover your true self.

I Am NOT A Dirty Bitch is both an autobiography and self-help book, which aims to empower other victims of historical sexual abuse to embark upon their own healing journey.

It consists of four parts:
1. The facts
2. My personal journey of discovery
3. ‘Inner Child’ work
4. Healing therapies

Therapies on offer

As part of the LIGAT programme, we can offer a range of services and holistic therapies for your health and wellbeing.

1. Sound Bath Therapy
In the early 1980s, Peter Hess a German engineer became interested in ‘Radiesthesia’ (the science of vibrational fields in the human body) embarked on a life changing study on the effects of sound, on the mind and body of the people of Tibet and Nepal.

Working on the understanding that each person is created with a unique sound resulting in a different personality, he concluded that sound and vibration are the keys to health and harmony

According to Hess’ research, people in Nepal believe that ‘a man who vibrates harmoniously is healthy. If discordant sounds creep in, he loses his balance and falls ill. A sick man who listens to harmonious sounds will start to heal.

Sound therapy is designed to tune into the body’s vibrations, generating sounds that communicate with the cells throughout your body.

Whilst we are all aware of the role that music plays in our lives we may not be aware that everyday we are affected by sound, it could be the sound of birds, children laughing, singing along with the sound generated by heavy traffic, noisy machinery and loud music. All sounds as an effect on our health and wellbeing.

When using the singing bowls it helps the brain achieve vibrational waves, which promote self-healing and harmony.

The Treatment

Singing bowls are placed on or close to your dressed body and tapped gently with a felt mallet. Whereby, the gentle vibrations and sounds create an induced feeling of relaxation and well-being.
The vibrations could correct your balance and provide a feeling of inner strength, harmony and energy. If you are suffering and have a physical, mental or psychological problem, Sound Massage could provide you with relief from stress, anxiety and possibly pain.

This is achieved by

• Deep relaxation through soothing sounds rich in overtones.
• Massaging and harmonising your body cells via sound and vibration.
• Helping to remove tension and blockages.
• Providing a pleasant tingling sensation.
• Increasing a feeling of positivity and creativity.
• Helping you to let go of the old and embrace the new.

2. Reflexology
Many people who have tried reflexology claim relief from many differing conditions such as Asthma, Depression, Irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and stress relief.

Like many other complementary medicines, Reflexology is not new but has its roots in ancient civilizations of India, Africa, China and Egypt.

A reflexologist uses only their hands to apply gentle pressure to important reflex points found on the feet. These points relate directly to different organs of the body and when stimulated influence their action and performance.
This gives the Reflexologist the opportunity to release accumulated stress from the internal structure of the body, thereby restoring the natural energy flow essential for good health.
The treatment also includes a ten minute foot massage using aromatherapy oils, which further enhance the treatment
The treatment lasts up to one hour. Prior to the treatment a consultation is necessary to discuss medical history.

3. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is an ancient therapy going back over thousands of years to Egyptian times, using aromatic plant extracts to produce essential oils, which can then be used in many ways, including massage.
Regular Aromatherapy massage could make a significant difference to your daily life.
The therapist will take the time to understand your body and will treat each person as an individual. A unique blend of oils will be produced specifically for you to stimulate your body’s own healing response. The Aromatherapy oil will then be massaged into the skin the benefits are received through the skin and nose to produce a wonderful feeling of calmness and balance.
The Benefits of Aromatherapy Massage may be:
• Aids relaxation
• Stimulates the body’s circulatory system
• Nourishes the organs of the body
• Improves the lymphatic system to aid absorption of waste product
• Reduces stress
• Aids sleep
4. Crystal Therapy
Crystal Therapy is relaxing, calming and helps your own body to heal and become balanced and energised. It works on the frequency and vibration channelled through the different crystals, depending on the individual.

By opening up the Chakras and realigning the body’s energy fields it can promote a feeling of well being.

During times of disease and disharmony our vibrations may be lower than usual, so by carefully selecting a crystal that matches our own frequency in balance & harmony, we can gently raise that level of vibration back to its healthy and vibrant level

Crystal Therapy is relaxing, calming and helps your own body to heal by become balanced and energised. It works on the frequency and vibration channelled through the different crystals, depending on the individual.
By opening up the Chakras and realigning the body’s energy fields it can promote a feeling of well being.
During times of disease and disharmony our vibrations may be lower than usual, so by carefully selecting a crystal that matches our own frequency in balance & harmony, we can gently raise that level of vibration back to its healthy and vibrant level
The therapy consists of lying on a couch whilst calming music is played and crystals are placed on or around the body it is very gentle and soothing working on the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual aspects of the individual. The hands of the therapist are placed are strategically around the body unblocking and encouraging the flow of energy

5. Colonic Hydrotherapy
Colonic Hydrotherapy is a modern and efficient technique used to provide a comfortable and harmless solution to an, age old problem of eliminating toxins. The treatment involves a gentle internal bath using warm, purified water that can help to eliminate stored faecal matter, gas and mucus from the colon.

What are the benefits?
In recent years there has been a renewed interest in natural therapies, which Colonic Hydrotherapy is clearly linked. By assisting the body’s own mechanism stimulating the nerves of the colon and helping to improve muscle tone.
Dating back to 1500 BC the Egyptians recorded colon cleansing and the use of enemas and purgatives.
Today regular clients who select this treatment include those with long term bowel conditions along with individuals who are now questioning the efficiency of the use of long term pharmaceutical intervention in treating malabsorption caused by stress, constipation, bloating, recurrent yeast infections, dysbiosis and general intestinal issues.

How does it work?
The procedure will involve the taking of your case history followed by an explanation of the procedure. The colonic itself will take approximately 45 minutes, during which time water will be gently introduced into the colon via the rectum, special massage techniques will be introduced to stimulate the release of stored matter. Following your treatment, information sheets will be given and key areas will be discussed in relation to your health lifestyle.

How many treatments should you have?
This is dependent upon you as an individual and advice will be given at the first consultation. It may vary from one treatment to a number spread out over a period of time.
During treatment, the client’s lower half is kept covered and the process itself is not painful or discomforting.

6. Coffee Enema
Coffee Enemas have become a popular and effective means of liver detoxification at Wellsprings
Coffee Enema or ‘Coffee Dialysis’ is offered following a Colon Hydrotherapy treatment.
This takes place after the colonic. The benefits you can experience are:
• Relief from constipation
• Decline of allergy related symptoms
• Pain relief
• Depression
• Anxiety
It also promotes the body’s own:
• Immunity
• Circulation
• Tissue repair and regeneration
• Cell energy production
7. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic drainage massage promotes the circulation of the lymph and eradicates toxins in the body and waste material. Lymph vessels are found throughout the body, 70 per cent of them can be located just below the skin.

By increasing the flow of the lymph towards the lymph glands that are positioned in specific areas of the body. Through using gentle pressure the therapists will direct the lymph fluid towards the lymph glands, which contain immune cells that help fight infection.

The massage will involve using gentle flowing rhythmic stroke towards lymph nodes located in specific areas of the body. During the massage your legs will be raised to promote the flow of the lymph.

Apart from stimulating the immune system and promoting optimum health it can also be beneficial when there is a swelling in the body caused by injury or surgery along with such conditions as

Acne and other skin disorders
Digestive problems

It is not recommended for people who suffer with;

Congestive Heart Failure
Skin Infections where the skin is broken

After Care Recommendations

Exercise daily is the key for a healthy lymphatic system
Consider using a mini trampoline or skipping
Dry skin brushing
Hot and cold showers
Drinking clean water
Avoid wearing tight restrictive clothing
Practice deep breathing
Eat a healthy diet avoid foods that contain chemicals and preservatives

8. Chi Machine/Reviber Bodywave
The Chi Machine oxygenates the body via passive aerobic exercise this activates the lymphatic system, enabling detoxification and the eradication of toxins form the body whilst aligning the spine due to the specific oscillation of the machine.

The devise is attributed to the work of a Japanese Doctor who wanted to find a way of making the human body oxygen efficient, as the most contributing cause of most illnesses is a lack of oxygen in the body.

The devise is modelled on the motion of Japanese Koi carp as they swim by moving their spine. He replicated this by devising an appliance to create the same movement in the human spine creating rhythmic muscle contractions combined with stimulating the autonomic nerves along the spinal column.

Benefits of the Chi Machine

Promotes detoxification and the removal of toxins

Revitalises the whole body and energy system

Improves cellular memory

Helps clear headaches and migraines

Reduces stress and depression

Aids digestion relieves constipation

Improves the drainage of lymph and lactic acid

Improves blood circulation

Helps correct bad posture and consequent backache

Provides the equivalent of 90 minutes walking exercise in terms of
oxygenation of the blood.

9. Angel Therapy
The concept of angels is as old as time itself; all major religions refer to Angels. Angel Therapy is a non-dimensional spiritual healing method that involve working with Guardian Angels and Archangels to heal and harmonise every aspect of life. Along with your own Guardian Angel, there are three special Archangels, which work intimately with your inner child, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Haniel and Archangel Metatron.
An Angel therapy session can provide a feeling of increased well-being and balance, reduce stress and anxiety by promoting a sense of release and letting go of past trauma and instilling a sense of calm and peace. Energetic blockages will be removed, which can help ease physical ailments along with mental and emotional issues.
An Angel Healing session, may take the form of a hands on or hands near the body to facilitate the channelling of energy, the session could also include;
Aura Cleansing
The aura is an electromagnetic field around every living body, the storehouse of all negative and positive energy.

Chakra Balancing
Rebalances the seven major chakras or energy centres located along the spine

Angel Card Reading
Receiving a specific message from the angels

Angel Mediations to cut the cords of negativity
Calling on Archangel Michael to cut emotional cords that bind you to the past.

Crystal Healing
Specific crystals will be placed on and around the body

Sound Energy
Tuning folks and attuned singing bowls will be played around the body to harmonise and promote physical and emotional well- being.

10. Bach Flower Essence
A detailed questionnaire will be given in relation to your emotional wellbeing, by working through the questions you are able to identify certain thought patterns and behaviours that are causing issues and challenges in your life.

Specific flower essences will be selected, which are made up into your individual flower remedy. Instructions will be given on how to take the remedy you will be also encouraged to record any changes that you encounter whilst taking the flower remedy.

Below are some examples taken form the LIGAT Flower Essence Questionnaire

__I hide my feelings behind a façade of cheerfulness
__I dislike arguments and often give in to avoid conflict
__I turn to food, work, alcohol, drugs, etc. when down

__I lack self-confidence
__I feel inferior and often become discouraged
__I never expect anything but failure

__I get depressed without any reason
__I feel my moods swinging back and forth
__I get gloomy feelings that come and go

__I tend to overwork and keep on in spite of exhaustion
__I have a strong sense of duty and never give up
__I neglect my own needs in order to complete a task

__I feel completely exhausted, physically and/ or mentally
__I am totally drained of all energy with no reserves left
__I have just been through a long period of illness or stress


11. Matrix Regeneration Therapy
The combined therapy works in three different ways that work in harmony
which each other to stimulate connective tissue and organs and lymph drainage. This encourages the body to eradicate toxins and promote harmony and balance known as homeostasis.

MRT can be useful for a variety of symptoms
Rheumatic Diseases
Chronic Inflammation
Bronchial Asthma
Chronic Diseases
Spine and Joints problems
Lymphostasis (stagnant lymphatic flow)

Contra-indications. Pregnancy, Epilepsy, Pacemaker, Acute fevers, Severe Cardiac arrythmias, Blood Coagulation Disorders.

The therapy consists of a special suction massage that helps to flush out waste by-products and toxins, whilst at the same time, direct current treatment assists in the regeneration of tissues.

Each MRT treatment can help to regenerate tissues and organs.

The treatment helps promote a stronger immune system stimulus, that can assist the body’s own power of resistance.

MRT can also promote the formation of red blood cells and stimulate lymph flow.

Blockages that hamper the body’s energy flow are often dissolved.

Chronic tension-based spinal mal-positions may be corrected

12. Nutritional Guidance
This one hour session involves an informal discussion about any health concerns, lifestyles issues and eating habits you may have.
Healthy eating regimes and detoxing methods will be discussed along with the benefits of detoxing and juicing
A questionnaire entitled How Toxic Am I, will be used as a framework. The Inner Child Detox activities will be discussed, and realistic goals will be set.
You will be encouraged to keep a food diary over a period of two to four weeks, to:
Establish any foods that could be causing a problem.
Assess the selected detoxing activities that were chosen.

About Me

My name is Lynne McDougall, I gained a B.SC (Hons) in Health Studies and I am a former general nurse. I hold a Cert.Ed. and taught in a college of Further Education in Lancashire.

I have been on my own healing journey for childhood trauma, which saw me engaging in a variety of different therapies which I now offer to others.

I have been working in alternate therapies for over 20  years now and run a clinic which is renowned for its high quality of work both in training and treatment of clients.

I am also a Reiki Master and Angelic Reiki Practitioner and a qualified Peter Hess sound massage therapist.



“Lynne made me feel totally at ease and gave me the positive energy I have been looking for.

The Colonic Irrigation has given me the focus I wanted to get my healthy lifestyle and good habits back on track, I feel fantastic”

“When I went for my first sound massage with Lynne I had no idea what to expect, but I found it to be an absolutely amazing experience!

I had issues with stress at the time and felt like a weight had been lifted. I almost floated out of the room afterwards.

The experience was incredibly serene and calming, and I felt the effects for many days afterwards.

Lynne is a wonderful person who immediately puts you at ease, and I would wholeheartedly recommend a sound massage with her to anyone.”

“My experience minutes after completion were of weightlessness in my legs and my mind just felt totally clear.”

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Your Own Healing Journey Today!