My favourite season is Spring, with all its promise of new beginnings along with the ever-revolving circle in nature as we observe the spring flowers the new-born lambs and longer day light hours.

The beginning of Spring always alerts my inner clock that it is time to de clutter and put away the old and bring in the new. I have also observed that over the years spring is the time when I reassess what I am doing and what changes I would like to make. It has involved doing further training, doing work around the house, and on two occasions spring has been the time when I have decided to move house.

This last week I was searching for a book and came across several vision boards that I had made over the years. I was more than amazed to discover that every single request on the vision board had now happened.

They included:

Selling a house
Writing and having my book published
Spending more time in the sun
Getting a dog
Becoming a life coach
Doing presentations and after dinner speaking.

Vision Boards are also known as manifestation boards it is a tool used to bring the things you desire into your life. Vision boards are associated with the Law of Attraction.
By putting visual pictures of what you desire on a board you attract what you desire to manifest. I know of someone who manifested her perfect partner into her life by writing down all the qualities she wanted her forever partner to be.

To make your vision board basically you need to create a poster, it can be a cork board or a plain canvas that you can purchase from a craft store.

The next thing you need to do is to decide what you want to attract in your life. They can be material or spiritual. If this proves difficult, consider what you don’t want in your life and write down the opposite.

You need to cut out images of what you desire from magazines or photographs and place them on your vision board. You can write positive affirmations to increase its energetic value.

The vision board I used to sell my previous home, focused on a picture of the house and a sold sign, along with THANK YOU in bold letters at least fifty times. I then placed it where it was visible so every time, I came from the kitchen into the lounge I would say, “Thank you for selling Peak Brow” I believe its power of attraction was amplified by expressing gratitude and believing that it was sold as the vision board displayed the sold sign.

The philosophy grew out of the teachings of Phineas Quimby in the early 19th century. Whilst his work was only in relation to health issues, he never used the term ‘Law of Attraction’. His core belief was similar in that he stated, “The trouble is in the mind, for the body is only the house for the mind to dwell in, and we put value on it according to its worth. Therefore, if your mind has been deceived, by some invisible enemy into a belief you have put it into the form of a disease, with or without your knowledge. By my theory or truth, I come into contact with your enemy, and restore you to your health and happiness. This I do partially by talking till I correct the wrong impression and establish the truth, and the truth is the cure”.

The Law of Attraction was first printed in a book written by the Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky. By the end of the 19th century, it was being used in every aspect of life, by new thought activists. The twentieth century brought a surge of interest in the subject, resulting in many books being written amongst them in 1984 was Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.

vision board

The Law of Attraction gained a lot of momentum, and in 2006 it received renewed exposure with the release of the film, The Secret, which was made into a book the following year. The author Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret, is the Law of Attraction. She believes that whatever you focus your attention on becomes reality in your life. It is based on the energy that the universe is made of, and the vibrations of that energy. Everything is energy including us.


The key to success is to increase the amount of time that you feel good, savour that feeling, do more things that bring you pleasure and be grateful until it becomes a way of life.
Imagine and visualise your desires. When selling Peak Brow, I started de cluttering and buying ideal homes magazines. I chose colour schemes for the new house and started buying new towels and cushions.

There is lots of further information on the Internet, which will develop your understanding of the Law of Attraction if you feel it is something that would work for you.

So, what do you want to attract into your life? It is only a vision board away
Have fun

Kindest wishes