It is said that life is a crossword puzzle, the right word gives you the answer. The words we use are a result of our thoughts, negative thoughts produce negative words. Kind thoughts produce positive words.

These words of wisdom are attributed to Florence Shinn, who is considered a new thought spiritual teacher. Although she died in 1940, I found her teachings to be just as relevant today as it was in the 1930’s when she published her first book The Game of Life and How to play it. Followed by Your word is your Wand. We all need to become aware of the impact our words have on both ourselves and others.

Whilst kind words can change your day by making you feel good it can also have the reverse effect and cause so much emotional hurt and pain. For those who have read my book will realise the impact words have had on my life. As I believed my mother’s words, that I was a dirty bitch, this had a profound effect on me as I battled with low self-esteem, self-disgust, and the inability to love myself.

Research shows that harsh verbal words can have the same negative impact as physical punishment.

Children who are constantly exposed to negative words have the same behavioural problems anxiety depression stress and other emotional issues which manifest in later life.

Words are powerful ammunition for keeping you a slave to the past, an unknown poet wrote:

A careless word may kindle strife, a cruel word may wreck a life,
A bitter word may hate instil, a brutal word may smile and kill,
A gracious word may smooth the way a joyous word may light the day
A timely word may lessen stress, a loving heart may heal and bless.

A question for you can you honestly say that unkind words have never bothered you or knocked your confidence and prevented you from achieving what you are capable of doing by believing the negative words to be true?

I am now so mindful of the power of words in my role as a life coach, often it is the unkind words that have been inflicted that have caused so much grief and pain. How untrue the rhyme, which says:

Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me.

I also remember how as a child I was taunted by my peers at school with cruel words. I accept that children do not realise the impact of their words. In my book I am NOT a dirty bitch I speak of an event where I was taunted due to having to take part in a carnival dressed a Indian squaw wearing a sack covered with beads. The image still taunts me today.

Just recently my granddaughter was also subjected to the impact of hurtful words. She had developed a painful stye on her eyelid, which caused swelling and distorted her vision. On two separate occasions she became the receiver of unkind words, she was told she was ugly, whilst another child told her to go away from the dinner table as she is making her feel sick. It was only that night that she cried and said she didn’t want to go to school the following day.

It is said that the tongue has a double-edged sword it has both negative effects as well as positive effects.

We all can promote or demote someone simply by the choice of words we say to them.

How good does it make you feel when someone says positive words about you? such as: –

I love you
I am so proud of you
You look amazing
I appreciate all you do for me
You are beautiful inside and out
Thank you for all you do for me

Let’s make a conscious effort to guard our words and only select healing encouraging words to others and ourselves.

You can change your world by changing your words.

If you want to discover more about the impact of words read my book, I am NOT a Dirty Bitch or visit my website

Kindest wishes